Judith Lam Tang


Judith Lam Tang is a Chinese Canadian born of immigrants. She blogs at juicygreenmom.ca about climate activism and social justice, and can be found on Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and X as @juicygreenmom. Her essays have been published in The Globe and Mail’s First Person column, The Festival Of Literary Diversity’s 2024 literary magazine (Voices From The Fold), and Edmonton Public Library’s Capital City Press Anthology Volume IV (2024).

She is the author of Hunter’s Special Squawk, a children’s book released in 2019, illustrated by her husband, Ron Tang. She is currently working on her first nonfiction book on the topic of internalized racism. She holds an Equitable and Inclusive Leadership Certificate through Canadian Equality Consulting, and serves on her local school board’s Equity Advisory Committee.

She lives with her husband, her daughter, and many plants.

Where JUICY GREEN MOM Started…

Hi! I'm Judith Lam Tang. I started this blog as an eco-mom with a passion for green, toxin-free, sustainable living.

When I was a kid, I had my own Kids for Saving Earth club. We did a rainforest walkathon to save however many acres of rainforest (I wonder if those acres are still there??). As a young adult, I was a light shade of green, but I didn’t actively search out information.

Things can sure change in a heartbeat!

My sister (5 years older than me) was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 31, and we had no family history of it. She is my only sibling and my best friend, so it was a huge shock. When she started learning about lifestyle changes to prevent the cancer from coming back, I jumped on board with her. It was overwhelming how much I didn’t know about what was in my food, skincare products, cleaning products, clothes, bedding, and so on. I started reading labels and keeping lists of ingredients to avoid in my wallet. It was a steep learning curve, and still is.

Living greener can be daunting, because the more I learn about things, the more I learn that things are complicated. We have so many opportunities, so many moments of the day where we can choose to be just a little bit greener. It’s not easy being green... but we still have to try.

What's with the "juicy" in juicy green mom?

You may be wondering why I call myself "juicy" green mom, and what's up with my logo. It stems from my days as a musician and designer. The name juicy d originated from a CD label my friend wrote on for my first recording session - a little play on words: "Ju's CD" vs. "juicy d". My husband (he wasn't my husband at the time, so perhaps a little foreshadowing at play!) designed the logo for me, and it has evolved with me over the years as my passions have changed with the stages of life.

I am so excited that you've come to visit.