How to Support Truth and Reconciliation

September 30 is Orange Shirt Day, and Canada's National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Like many "special days", we should really be thinking about these things every day, and not just once a year. But it is an opportunity to think about what you can do to support truth and reconciliation, and learn about the history of oppression of Indigenous people.


Resources, Education, and Organizations to Donate to

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

Government of Canada website

Read about the Calls to Action here.

First Nations Child & Family Caring Society - Spirit Bear

Wonderful resources for kids and adults alike, including educators, featuring Spirit Bear

Watch this short stop-motion film about Spirit Bear with your kids! Really beautiful message.

SB_MASTER_HD_PRORES422_THEATRE_FR-CCAP from First Nations Caring Society on Vimeo.

Write a letter to the Canadian government to demand they address the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's 94 Calls to Actions.

Indian Residential School Survivors Society

BC provincial organization

Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society

Edmonton-based organization

On Canada Project - Settlers Take Action

Highlights ways non-Indigenous people can take action

Learn about Jordan's Principle here

University of Alberta Indigenous Canada course

Take this open online course for free!

Indigenous Makers and Businesses

I.A.M Collective

This collective of more than 70 indigenous artists is at the Edmonton Downtown Farmers Market on weekends.

Indigenous Box

Subscription box promoting Indigenous businesses

Red Rebel Armour

Indigenous made streetwear brand, including orange shirts


Recommended Books

Picture Books

Books for Adults

This list is certainly not exhaustive - if you have other resources and recommendations to share, please do so in the comments!


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Antiracist Book List


Let's Talk About Internalized Racism - Experiences of a Chinese Canadian