How to Help Protect Biodiversity #BernieonaJourney

On my Instagram feed, I have been posting information about a topic related to helping combat our climate emergency. I use the crocheted Bernie Sanders a friend made for me (after the infamous photos of him from Biden's inauguration circulated) because Bernie is well-respected, and extremely knowledgeable about what needs to be done to fight climate change! I named the series Bernie on a Journey, or Learn with Bern, with the hope that my little mascot can help raise awareness about what we can all do to help the fight!

I created this series of slides specifically about biodiversity, because it is an incredibly crucial part of the puzzle. And we can all contribute to protecting and promoting biodiversity in our everyday lives!

What can we do to help protect biodiversity?

Biodiversity can support efforts to reduce the negative effects of climate change. Conserved or restored habitats can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus helping to address climate change by storing carbon (for example, reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation). Moreover, conserving intact ecosystems, such as mangroves, for example, can help reduce the disastrous impacts of climate change such as flooding and storm surges.

Convention on Biological Diversity

Save the Bees (and other Pollinators)

Plant nectar-producing flowers in your yard, and avoid using pesticides that can harm them.

Plant Native

Planting native wildflowers and flora help to support local wildlife. (Check out my blog post on How to Create a Butterflyway for more on how to plant native in your garden!)

Respect Local Habitats

When you're out for a trek in nature, stick to the walking paths, and try not to disturb the life around you. This will help protect the local ecosystem!

Support Local Farms

Organic farmers, and farmers who practice "Integrated Pest Management" use much less chemical intervention that is harmful to important organisms.

Use Less Water

Fresh bodies of water are essential to biodiversity. Have a 5-minute shower. Don't run the water when washing dishes. These actions can help protect wetlands.


Look for the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) label on wood products like patio furniture or wood flooring. This ensures the wood comes from a sustainable and legal source instead of illegal logging.

Buy Sustainable Seafood

80% of the world's biodiversity lives in the sea but overfishing is compromising this! Avoid endangered species like Bluefin Tuna or Northsea cod and choose seafood labelled with the blue MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) logo.


What will you commit to doing to help protect biodiversity?

Check out my other Bernie on a Journey posts on Instagram!


What's the Buzz About Bees?


How to Create a Butterflyway