How to Contribute to a Green Community: Queen of Green Coaching Project

The 4th module in the Queen of Green Coaching project is centered around community action. Regardless of the reasons you may decide to adopt a greener lifestyle, those that do can help build a larger green community and encourage others to do the same. Here are some tips from the Queen of Green, my coaching families, and me!


1. Host a clothing or toy swap.

Keeping textiles and toys out of landfills, AND getting free stuff to use is a fantastic way to build green community and thinking. Host a swap at your house, or join or start a swap page! If you have other things you think can be repaired, try a repair cafe.


2. Start a lunch club at work.

Ask you co-workers if they'd be interested in doing a soup, salad, or bread club with you. Everyone would take a turn to bring a lunch for all the other members, saving time, energy, and money for all! Also a great way to build green community within your workplace.


3. Host a green cleaning workshop.

The Queen of Green has some simple DIY green cleaning recipes. If you are making your own cleaning products, or any other green, non-toxic stuff, why not share with your friends and family?


4. Donate stuff.

There are so many ways you can donate things, and probably things you didn't even think you could donate. It might take some digging, but before you throw things out, consider whether someone else might find it useful. My husband and I recently went through all our books, DVDs and CDs. Some used bookstores will take some, but not much of it. I was thrilled to be able to donate the rest of our haul to our local library (in Edmonton, check the Edmonton Public Library website). In Edmonton, also check out what you could bring to the Reuse Centre!


5. Get outside.

Join Project Feederwatch and count birds in your backyard.. In Edmonton, we have a Front Yards in Bloom program that encourages homeowners to beautify the landscape (summer and winter, and include “naturalized” yards contributing to biodiversity - my favourite!). Check if your city has a tree planting program, and join a group of people to plant trees for a day (The Root for Trees initiative in Edmonton takes bookings for planting all around the city). Take advantage of programs run by your local nature center or zoo.

What are some ways you contribute to a green community?


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