My Favourite Plastic Free Kitchen Solutions
Plastic-free July is coming to a close, but it's never too late to try to start reducing plastic in your life. Especially in the kitchen! Here are some of the plastic free kitchen solutions I swear by.
Airtight Stainless Steel Containers
I love these stainless steel containers from Life Without Plastic, for bringing food for lunch, and also for storing food in the fridge or freezer. Someone asked me about how to freeze portions of food without using plastic ziploc bags - I use parchment paper or wax paper to wrap individual portions and then store several portions in a large stainless steel container.
Life Without Plastic also has glass containers with bamboo lids. Lots of options!
Beeswax Wraps
My Abeego beeswax wraps have been a game changer for me. They have certainly eliminated plastic wrap, but they have also eliminated plastic bags and plastic lidded containers. When I first started using them, I used them to replace plastic wrap by covering bowls or containers with them. After learning more about how they can be used, and how the wraps actually mimic a natural peel or rind to protect your living food, I am now using them for storing produce too! You can easily fold a wrap into a pouch for your produce items, and they will last much longer than if you put the produce naked in your fridge drawer, or in an airtight container where it can't breathe.
Mason Jars
Mason jars have become super trendy for virtually everything, and they are such a great affordable way to start storing your food and liquids in plastic free containers! I love using mason jars for storing smoothie leftovers, making overnight oats or salads, and virtually everything you store in a pantry. I take my big mason jars to the bulk store or refillery to refill on dry goods and cleaning products! It's awesome that you can find them at thrift stores for super cheap, and that they are built to withstand heat. Other mason jar accessories are also very popular, with lids and sleeves to convert them into drinking containers. I also have my mason jar foaming soap in my kitchen (and everywhere else in the house!) and got foaming soap pump lids from Re:Plenish in Edmonton.
Bulk and Produce Bags
I started making a habit of carrying bulk and produce bags when I know I need to get groceries. For things like flour or rice, I really love these organic cotton bulk bags from Life Without Plastic because they are double layered, have flat bottoms, AND they have the tare weight of the bag printed on them already!
Life Without Plastic also has organic cotton mesh produce bags that are wonderful. You can get sets of polyester produce bags as well.
Silicone Bags
I love using Stasher bags for freezing things like veggies, herbs, etc. They are also great for bringing little baggies of snacks on the go. They even have bags for cooking sous vide!
Stainless Steel Pop Molds
Maybe making popsicles is not a huge thing in your household, but it is in mine! We ALWAYS have them on hand for a quick and easy way to get some fruit and veggie intake in my daughter! So many pop molds are plastic, though. I know the stainless steel ones are definitely an investment, but you will LOVE them! I find the popsicles come out much easier than with plastic ones, and they are so durable and easy to clean.
I have these paddle style ones from Onyx and have been using them for several years with no show of wear!
If you want the more cylindrical shape pop, Onyx has these as well.
I've also heard great things about these FreezyCup ones that are available through Life Without Plastic.
Plastic Free Straws
I don't really need to use straws much at home, but I try to remember to take my glass straws with me on the go so that I can refuse single-use plastics. Since having a kid, though, I do find straws are useful at home. I really like glass smoothie straws for my daughter because they can handle the thicker consistency. Of course you can also choose stainless steel or bamboo reusable straws if you're worried about glass ones breaking. So far I haven't broken any glass ones, though, and I like them the best because I can SEE the liquid. There are some nice affordable options for sets of glass straws with cleaning brushes included!
If you're trying to figure out where you can get plastic free products, and support companies who care about the environment, Treading My Own Path has a great resource here.
What are your favourite plastic free kitchen solutions?
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