Skin Loving DIY Body Butter with Essential Oils

I've made a few DIY creams since starting to dabble in the world of DIY beauty - it's been really fun to experiment and customize my own products! I've been making my own creams and body butters and playing around with different combinations of essential oils. I think I have a good winner here!

This recipe uses some Young Living essential oils that are now registered under Health Canada as Natural Health Products, that are known to help relieve eczema. These include Young Living's Helichrysum, Marjoram, Bergamot, and Myrrh essential oils.

  1. Melt the shea butter and coconut oil in a double boiler over low heat.

  2. Once melted, add the remaining ingredients and stir to mix.

  3. Let the mixture cool at room temperature.

  4. Once firm (but not rock hard), use a hand mixer to get a whipped consistency.

  5. Enjoy!

I gave some of these away as gifts, but had to keep some for myself. It is sooooo smooth and luxurious. I hope you like this Skin Loving DIY Body Butter with Essential Oils as much as I do!


What is your favourite DIY body butter recipe?

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