Super Easy 5-Minute DIY Bath Salts & Sugar Scrubs

I've been doing more DIY Christmas gifts this year, but the problem with that is - you have to plan ahead. Usually. Not in this case! I guarantee these easy DIY bath salts and sugar scrubs can be done in 5 minutes or less.

Super Easy DIY Bath Salts

I used the himalayan sea salt mostly to make the jar look prettier - layered with the white epsom salts you can create a very pretty effect! If you're using something that's about the size of a spice jar, you only need about 2-3 drops of essential oil. Fill your jar halfway, put in a drop, fill it up the rest of the way, and put another drop. Tie a ribbon and tag on it and you're done!

Super Easy Sugar Scrub

  • sugar (I used both granulated and turbinado sugar)

  • essential oil of your choice

  • oil of your choice (I used sweet almond oil, but you could also use any other liquid vegetable oil like extra virgin olive oil)

  • small glass jar

I used granulated and turbinado sugar to have both coarse and fine sugar in my mix. You can really use any sugar you want! Fill up about 2/3 of the jar with sugar, put in 2-3 drops of essential oil. Pour almond oil (or whatever vegetable oil you're using) in (up to 1/4 of the jar). Shake or stir, then check the consistency. I'm lazy about measuring, so I just added oil in again after checking, shook again, then found that I liked the consistency for rubbing on. You can add as little or as much oil as you like - more oil will be more moisturizing! (Note: I made some for myself to use with lavender essential oil - WOW! It made my hands feel so good!!! Just saying - make some for yourself too - don't give it all away!)

So - isn't that super easy, like I promised?? I'm putting one of each of these in my gifts this year - such a great little addition, and extremely frugal too!


What's your favourite super easy DIY gift?

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