The Only Granola Bar Recipe You'll Ever Need

Eating real food with real ingredients usually means you need to make things from scratch. Like granola bars. Even the ones with organic ingredients usually have way more added sugar than needed. I was really excited when I found My Whole Food Life's recipe, and decided to double it and substitute applesauce for a banana-free recipe. But what if you don't have applesauce? And what if you are allergic to peanuts? I've done some experimenting with different ingredients and have come up with this: the only granola bar recipe you'll ever need!

I love this recipe because it really only takes 15 minutes to mix the ingredients together. And you don't need to break out any small appliances to do it. I've tried it with all kind of ingredients and this base recipe really works with anything!

Try using different ratios of rolled oats and quick-cook oats - I have found that if I use all rolled oats, it was too crumbly. If I used all quick-coat oats, it was really soft. I now use half and half of each.

I've tried peanut butter, almond butter, sunflower seed butter, and homemade chocolate hazelnut butter. All of them work great in this recipe.

I love that I can use whatever fruit I have on hand: mashed bananas (if my husband isn't going to eat them), strawberry chia jam, rhubarb stew, leftover smoothie that I made for my daughter, or really any combination of pureed fruit that is in the kitchen or freezer.

Most often I will add raisins, dried cranberries, and/or chocolate chips. (For dairy-free ones, I like Enjoy Life mini chips.)

This failsafe recipe is proof that making real food from scratch doesn't have to be time-consuming or expensive.


Try it out and tell me what combination of ingredients you used!


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