Where to Join a CSA in Edmonton #YEG

What is a CSA? It stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It's a growing movement where consumers can purchase a share in a farm in order to get their food direct from the farmer over the growing season. It's an awesome way to ensure that you are supporting your local economy, and cut out the middle man to ensure your money is going to the right place!

Here are some of the CSAs that I have come across in the Edmonton area. Most of these are for produce, but some of the farms also offer meat. (If you're looking for good quality meat in the Edmonton area, check out this post.)


Riverbend Gardens

Located within Edmonton, Riverbend Gardens is focused on sustainable local produce. They have several convenient pickup locations within the city. (I've also purchased from them at the Strathcona Farmers Market, City Market Downtown, and Southwest Edmonton Farmers Market. They're also at the St. Albert Farmers Market, Ft. Saskatchewan Farmers Market, and Beverly Towne Market.)

Billyco Junction Gardens

Located in the County of Lacombe, this family farm grows produce, berries and more. They offer CSA shares as well as u-pick, and all their veggies and fruit are grown spray free. They also have farm fresh egg shares available.

Prairie Gardens Adventure Farm

I've taken my daughter to Prairie Gardens in Bon Accord several times for the amazing family activities they do in the fall. Little did I know they also have a CSA for non-GMO produce! Families in their CSA program can also get passes to their many festivals throughout the year - cool perk!

Sparrow's Nest Organics

This farm in Opal offers certified organic produce, and a share includes 2 days of help at the farm so you can take part in the growing and harvesting process. (They do offer non-working shares as well, if that's not your thing!) They also supply vendors in Edmonton like the restaurants Culina, Corso 32, Elm Cafe, Noorish, Prairie Bistro at the Enjoy Centre, as well as Earth's General Store.

Tipi Creek Farm

Located near Villeneuve (northwest of St. Albert), this family farm uses sustainable farming practices to grow organic vegetables and herbs.

Meadow Creek Farms

They have an organic vegetable operation that includes potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, squash, onions, garlic, peas, beans, kale, rhubarb, and raspberries. They also offer weekly deliveries in Edmonton for chickens, turkeys, and pork raised outside with handmade feed.

I'm pretty impressed - there are a LOT of options to join a CSA in Edmonton!


Will you join a CSA this year?

(No compensation was received for this post. Opinions expressed are my own.)


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