Hunter's Birthday: Get Hunter's Special Squawk eBook FREE

March 21, 2017 is Hunter's birthday.

At 3 years old, I imagined that he would be happily toddling around, stringing words together in toddler-speak, and excitedly following his big cousin around to do what she does. He would get excited about eating birthday cupcakes, and would make a huge mess of his face, the table, and the floor as he smiled at everyone.

At 5 years old, I imagine that he would be excited that he's a big boy in Kindergarten, proudly wearing his backpack and grinning. He would be excited to tell us about all the things he's learning at school, and draw pictures with his cousin.

With our world in the midst of a pandemic right now, everything feels surreal. Life in general feels surreal. In times like this, I can almost forget what happened to Hunter. Almost. But then I see my daughter doing something mundane, like eating a bagel, or drawing at her desk, and I think about how Hunter never got to do those things. How he never will.

Life is very confusing. I'd like to think that Hunter's Special Squawk can help kids and adults to remember to hope. In dark and tumultuous times, hope is what we have. It is what carries us humans through.

The eBook version of Hunter's Special Squawk is available FREE from Amazon for 2 days - from March 21 to March 22, 2022 (ending at midnight PDT on March 22, 2022).

To read more about the background behind the book, as well as reviews, check out our page here.

We are so grateful for the support we've received for this book. We truly hope that it can be a light for others, and a reminder that each of our lives is meaningful, and we all have a purpose.

(illustration by Ron Tang)


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Hunter's Special Squawk eBook FREE for a Limited Time