My Favourite Toxin Free Foundations
I know, I know, you're still on the search for a good toxin free foundation. You've tried a bunch but they're just not working for you. I have gone through the same struggle, trust me!
I hear from people all the time about this struggle, because of course, everyone's skin is different, and can be sensitive to different ingredients. And then there's the whole greenwashing problem, with many "natural" brands still using ingredients that are on my AVOID list.
So I'm sharing my favourite toxin free foundations with you in the hopes that one of these may be THE ONE for you. I have super super sensitive skin, and living in a dry climate, especially in the winter, makes my skin extremely prone to craziness. I definitely have combination skin as well, oilier in the T-zone, but can get overly dry on other areas of my face. I don't have acne all the time, but get occasional giant zits. These are foundations that I use and continue to get because they feel good on my skin and don't complicate matters!
Elate Cosmetics Unify Powder
I love that Elate Cosmetics tries to be as plastic-free as possible, along with using natural and toxin-free ingredients. I especially love that they sell these powder refills in cardboard tubes!
The mineral foundation works really well on its own and provides great coverage. It also has built in sun protection which is awesome!
Rocia Naturals Makeup Mixer Base
If you want to try mineral makeup but are scared of going full powder, this is absolutely the best way to go! I love the liquid makeup mixer base because I can add however much mineral foundation I want to customize the coverage. This is what I use most often when I'm not too lazy to put on makeup, because I can quickly and easily apply and go.
What is your favourite toxin free foundation?
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