The Only DIY Lip Balm Recipe You Need

Making my own lip balm is one DIY that is SOOO worth the time. Why? Because it is SO easy, and it is SOOOOO much cheaper than buying it!

I have a few different lip balm recipes on my blog, including my everyday moisturizing one, gingerbread, chai, and chocolate mint. But then I thought - I don't really need a separate recipe for each different flavour I want. They are really all variations on a theme. So here it is - the only DIY lip balm recipe you need! You can customize it however you wish, and it will come out amazing!

Curious about where to get your ingredients?

It's easy to find beeswax pellets at or

I get shea butter, mango butter and cocoa butter from because they go on sale frequently! I also get carrier oils from, like jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, castor oil, argan oil, and coconut oil.

I get my essential oils from Young Living because I love their quality.

I try to get paperboard tubes when I can, because plastic waste is such a huge problem in our day and age.


What's your favourite kind of lip balm to DIY?

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