Queen of Green Coaching project - David Suzuki Foundation

I am so thrilled that I get to be a Queen of Green Coach this fall, volunteering with the David Suzuki Foundation. The coaching program has run several times now, with coaches like me "greening" families (over 200 up to this point!) all over Canada. It's a fantastic opportunity for people to figure out how they can be greener, with someone guiding them through the process. I remember how overwhelmed I felt when I first started doing research on baby stuff - there was so much information, and so much to avoid. I would have loved to have someone guide me through the process to take things a step at a time. So this is what I get to do with the 6 families I'm working with! I'll be working with them over 12 weeks on 4 different modules, including Waste, Food, Toxics, and Community. I will definitely be sharing what I learn along the way so stay tuned for specific updates on these topics.

The actual Queen of Green, Lindsay Coulter, has some amazing resources and practical tips for living greener. Check out her stuff at the David Suzuki Foundation website.

Even if you're not one of the 6 families I'm working with this time around, I hope that some of what we all learn can inspire you to make a small change in your life to go greener!

Here are some tips from the different modules we covered:

How to Eat Green Food

How to Green Waste

Tips for Reducing Waste

Tips for Eliminating Toxins

How to Contribute to a Green Community

What's one area in your life that you'd like to green?


Eco-Friendly Disposable Tableware from Greenmunch


How to Green Your Laundry