Helping Kids Learn to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle INFOGRAPHIC

It’s really important to me that my daughter learns to live as green as possible. The more she practices making everyday choices to reduce waste, the more natural it will be for her as she grows up. Our kids need to have better habits about reducing, reusing, and recycling than we do. However, planning for the future not only includes taking steps in the present day, but also preparing for tomorrow.

By teaching children good conservation practices today, we’ll contribute to a cleaner future. Children who learn how to reduce, reuse and recycle now will gain the foundation they need to pass those practices on to their children and continue preserving natural resources.

This handy little infographic from RMP USA provides some ideas for helping kids learn to reduce, reuse and recycle. You could easily print a few out and hang them by the bins.

Helping Kids Learn To Reduce, Reuse and Recycle created by RMP USA

I could definitely buy in bulk more often, especially now that more places are allowing you to bring your own containers!

What are some of your favourite ways to help kids learn to reduce, reuse and recycle?

(Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post.)
