DIY mold and mildew buster

Cleaning products are one of the first things I changed when I started my journey to go green. Conventional cleaners are full of toxic chemicals that we then breathe in and absorb through our skin. The trouble is that sometimes people complain that green cleaners don’t work as well without the chemicals, or that they’re too expensive. Well! This super easy DIY cleaner is both powerful and frugal!

I originally used this recipe for a mold and mildew buster because that’s what I was battling at the time. I hate how the water in my dish drainer sits there and mildew develops. This combo did a great job of eliminating the mold in my sink without much elbow grease! I use a glass bottle with spray top (Some essential oils are photosensitive and may leach from plastic containers when exposed to sunlight. I like using old pellegrino bottles because most spray tops from other things fit on them!).

Fill half your bottle with vinegar, then top it up with water. For the small 250 ml bottles I add 2 drops of Lemon and 3 drops of Purification. Put the spray top on and shake it up – ready to use! I shake it whenever I use it to make sure that the oils are dispersed in the bottle.

I first made this as a mold and mildew buster, but then started using it as an all-purpose cleaner and love the results! For heavy buildup in the bathtub, I sprinkled baking soda on it, sprayed with this mix, and let the baking soda and vinegar react – didn’t take much elbow grease to scrub it off after that!

Check out my round-up of other green cleaning recipes here.

What’s your favourite non-toxic cleaner?
