5 Natural Supports for Healthy Digestion

Now that I’ve changed my diet to be grain-free and refined sugar-free, my digestion system is way better. However, I still have those days at family functions or birthday parties where I may not know exactly what’s in the food, or I just HAVE to have a teeny bit of something I know my tummy won’t agree with. Here are some of the things I use to keep my digestive system happy.

Traditional Medicinals Belly Comfort tea

Traditional Medicinals Belly Comfort tea is a wonderful blend of tea that really helps to settle my stomach, I love to add a bit of raw honey to it for a truly soothing drink.

Essential Oils

DiGize blend and peppermint essential oils are what I have put into a roll-on bottle, diluted with sweet almond oil, for easy application when my tummy needs a little love. My daughter also tells me when she needs me to roll some on her tummy!

Probiotic Supplements

A good probiotic supplement is also really important for helping my gut flora stay healthy. I consulted with my naturopathic doctor to find one that has a good variety of different strains in it. I have used HMF Forte (Genestra brand) in the past, but then switched from it after doing some testing and finding out that I had too much of one particular bacterial strain in my system. I’m now using Probiotic 50 (Pure Encapsulations brand) as well as Young Living’s Life 9 supplement (when I realized they have supplements as well as essential oils, I was very surprised!). I alternate between the 2 to give me a nice wide range of good gut bacteria. (Note: I would definitely recommend consulting with a naturopathic doctor to find the right supplement for you! Mine went over the ingredients carefully to make sure my supplements are right for me. I’ve been with her for about 9 years and love her.)


Enzymes are another type of supplement that can help with digestion. They work by by breaking down all the stuff we eat, quickly and efficiently. I am currently using a supplement which my naturopathic doctor indicated offers great overall support. Essentialzymes-4 is another enzyme option that has both a quick release and delayed release capsule to target digestion support in both the stomach and small intestine. Detoxzyme is another supplement that helps with undigested stuff sitting in your gut. Homemade Mommy has a great summary of enzymes and other ways to support healthy digestion here.

Heating Pad

A heating pad has been a go-to since I was young, and I still turn to it if I’m curling up in bed. It’s just hard to walk around with a heating pad on your tummy if it’s plugged into the wall.

What are some ways you support your digestion?

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