Hello Sunday Shopping Tote Bag Review

I think everyone knows that bringing your own bag when you go shopping is one of the easiest ways to participate in reducing waste. Refusing is one of the key R’s that I have been trying to practice. I have fabric bags in my car, and a few that fold up thrown in my purse. I’m trying to get better at putting them back after I’ve used them so that I never have an excuse to use a plastic bag.

Of course, not all reusable bags are created equal. I got a chance to try out a Hello Sunday Shopping Tote and it is super lovely!

Hello Sunday is a values driven creator of thoughtful products which fuse natural materials, ethical and eco-friendly manufacturing and beautiful graphics. The Hello Sunday team also works closely with their manufacturers to ensure that workers are treated with kindness and respect. And they also minimize the use of plastics in their products.

The Large Shopping Totes are made from certified organic cotton (no-brainer that I would choose organic cotton!). The fabric is thick and sturdy, as are all of the seams. I love that it is designed to be easily rolled up, with a timber button and cotton loop to keep it compact and easy to carry when it’s not being used. I also love that the handles are very sturdy and comfortable to carry over your shoulder. They have fun patterns by different artists, as well – I got the “mist rose” shopping tote.

I tested out my Hello Sunday Shopping Tote at my local farmer’s market where I bought a bunch of produce that ended up being pretty heavy (I stocked up on end of the season freestone peaches!). Not cumbersome to carry in this tote!

I also tested it out when I went to the grocery store and bought things like a big jug of milk, sour cream, and yogurt, among other things. I was able to fit my whole purchase in my tote, and it was extremely sturdy for carrying these heavy items. And again, I love the reinforced sturdy handles because it’s really easy to put over my shoulder and not feel like it’s digging into me.

My Hello Sunday Shopping Tote is now one of my favourite bags to use! It is very convenient and easy to keep compact, easy washable, and so sturdy for carrying everything and anything!

What’s your favourite reusable bag?

(Disclosure: I received a Hello Sunday Large Shopping Tote at no cost in order to facilitate this review. No other compensation was received. All opinions expressed are my own.)
